Norveški finančni mehanizem in Finančni mehanizem EGP 2014–2021
Sodelujemo za zeleno, konkurenčno in vključujočo Evropo.

Work-life balance conference and workshops

27 November 2023 – On 16 November 2023, the conference “Work-life balance” took place in Koper. The meeting was organised as part of the BalanCed project, which is supported by the Norway Grants.

The conference aimed to open a public dialogue on the different actors responsible for balance between the different spheres of life. The event brought together organisations and companies presenting examples of good practices and initiatives in the field of work-life balance.

Govorica nagovarja občinstvo.
© Aleš Rosa

The participants were addressed by a representative of the local community, they were introduced to the BalanCed project and had the opportunity to meet managers, mentors and employees from the public and private sectors and representatives of NGOs. The main focus of the event was on finding ways to support employees and their families to better manage challenges, supporting organisations in caring for their employees, building employees’ creativity competences and generally exploring the impact of work-life enrichment.

The organisers gave all participants a tour of the Creative Centre, and in the afternoon two practical workshops were held in English, following the methodology of the Norwegian partner organisation Culture Break Borders.

Ljudje za mizo oblikujejo glino. Oseba v ozadju jih gleda.
© Aleš Rosa

The BalanCed project is co-created by the project promoter, the Centre for Communication, Hearing and Speech Portorož, with partners CONA B.P.; NOMED (Independent Media Activity, Koper); PiNA Cultural Educational Association and Culture Break Borders (NOR).

Sourse: BalanCed

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