As a first step towards Active Citizens Fund programming a consortium of CNVOS, Institute PIP and DRPD NM conducted a stakeholder consultation in November to identify key challenges and solutions in the four priority areas of the Fund. The consultations based on discussion paper and consultative questions.
E-consultations were open for 18 days (16. 11. 2018 – 3. 12. 2018). Altogether 19 inputs were received in the consultations period. A special workshop with 38 organizations was held on 29 November 2018. Consultations are summarized in a report.
Comments were taken into account in the formulation of the results framework (outputs, outcomes, indicators) and will help in preparation of public calls.
All questions about the Active Citizens Fund shall be addressed to the Fund Operator – CNVOS, Zavod PIP, DRPD Novo mesto!!