Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014–2021
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.

Transfer and Implementation of Good Practices for Improving Work-life Balance through Training and Education of Employees and Managers, with the Aim of Establishing an Organizational Structure and Culture of Companies, Based on Gender Equality (PROMETHEUS)

Programme area:

Work-life Balance


Improved work-life balance


Organizational culture of work-life balance and gender equality generated

Project title:

Transfer and Implementation of Good Practices for Improving Work-life Balance through Training and Education of Employees and Managers, with the Aim of Establishing an Organizational Structure and Culture of Companies, Based on Gender Equality

Project acronym:


Project Promoter:

American Chamber of Commerce

Project Partners:

Partner 1: Gender equality research institute Maribor
Partner 2: Merkur, Ltd
Partner 3: Riko, industrial, construction engineering and leasing, Ltd
Partner 4: University of Maribor
Partner 5: Knauf Insulation, Ltd Škofja Loka
Partner 6: Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia
Partner 7: A1 Slovenia, telecommunications services, Joint Stock Company
Partner 8: The Norwegian Automobile Foundation (NOR)
Partner 9: AMZS, service provider for members of national automobile association and other users of roadside assistance, Joint Stock Company

Start of the project:


End of the project:


Co-financing source:

Norway Grants and corresponding Slovenian contribution

Total eligible project expenditure (EUR):


Project grant (EUR):


Main project results:

Improved knowledge and understanding of employees of the challenges of work-life balance; increased awareness of national stakeholders and decision-makers of the issue of work-life balance of employees and of gender equality within companies’ organisational structures; empowering employees and business managers to facilitate the reconciliation of professional and personal life; increased awareness of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and various personal circumstances of an employee on the possibility of balancing a person’s professional and personal life; scientific correlation between the challenges of balancing the professional and personal life of employees and employee satisfaction; increased awareness of the importance of gender equality in the workplace among the general public.

Project summary:

The project addresses the issue of work-life balance of employees through the prism of their gender, possible parenthood and profession. The project also considers the consequences of the new reality brought by the Covid-19 (remote work) and encourages companies and organizations to establish their organizational structures on the basis of gender equality. Indeed, the Covid-19 epidemic deepened the existing inequalities between women and men in the labour market, particularly affecting women and the possibility of pursuing and developing their careers. One of the surveys showed that as women do the vast majority of unpaid work, including child care, as many as 80% of them agree that the pandemic had a negative impact on their life. Almost half of the women participating in the same survey believe that they must always be available to the employer, and a quarter of them fear that sooner or later they will be faced with having to choose between personal and professional obligations. Women who take care of other family members in their household also face special challenges. The share of these women has almost tripled during the pandemic. Most women with children report they have more responsibilities related to child care and remote schooling. In this context, the project addresses the challenges of work-life balance of employed persons, namely: low awareness of possible solutions and measures to improve work-life balance among employees; markedly poorer work-life balance of persons based on their gender, parenthood and profession; lack of knowledge and competences of company management to establish organizational structures based on gender equality; unequal position of men and women regarding fulfilment of caring responsibilities which is conditioned by gender stereotyping.

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