Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014–2021
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.

Trata, Industrial Zone for the 21st Century (Trata 2.1)

Programme area:

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation


Enhanced sustainable mobility management


Plans for sustainable mobility management at high-volume traffic locations developed

Project title:

Trata, Industrial Zone for the 21st Century

Project acronym:

Trata 2.1

Project Promoter:

Municipality of Škofja Loka

Project Partners:

Partner 1: Sora Development Agency, Ltd
Partner 2: Institute for Spatial Policies
Partner 3: CIPRA Slovenia, Society for the Protection of the Alps
Partner 4: Knaf Insulation, Ltd
Partner 5: SIBO Group, Packaging Development and Production, Ltd
Partner 6: LTH Castings, Ltd
Partner 7: CIPRA International (LIE)

Start of the project:


End of the project:


Co-financing source:

EEA Grants and corresponding Slovenian contribution

Total eligible project expenditure (EUR):


Project grant (EUR):


Main project results:

An increase in the share of employees who use sustainable forms of mobility for commuting and business trips by at least 4%; greenhouse gas emissions reduction.

Project summary:

There are 653 business zones in Slovenia (2019), which represent important generators of motorized traffic. To date, little attention has been paid to mobility management in business-industrial zones. The project brings new knowledge and experience, which will be gathered in the recommendations for mobility management in business-industrial zones. Industrial zone (IZ) Trata is located in the NE part of Škofja Loka and extends along the Ljubljana – Jesenice railway line. There are approx 5,000 employees in the IZ Trata. According to the estimates of the 3 participating companies (LTH Castings, Knauf Insulation, SIBO Group, September 2021), up to 94% of their employees commute by car, which causes traffic jams, reduces traffic safety, reduces the quality of life and is an important source of greenhouse gas emissions. The project aims to contribute to changing the travel habits of employees in the three participating companies, namely by increasing the use of sustainable forms of mobility and, as a result, improving the management of sustainable mobility in the IZ Trata. An analysis of the situation will be carried out and the identification of employees who have the opportunity to change their travel habits, which is also the goal of various strategies and policies at the local and national level.

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