Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014–2021
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.

Recycling of Rapid Antigen LFIA Tests (COVID-19) (LFIA-REC)

Programme area:

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation


Increased application of circular economy principles


Measures for circular economy implemented

Project title:

Recycling of Rapid Antigen LFIA Tests (COVID-19)

Project acronym:


Project Promoter:

University of Maribor

Project Partners:

Partner 1: Plastika Skaza Ltd
Partner 2: Faculty of Polymer Technology
Partner 3: Institute of Metals and Technology
Partner 4: Zlatarna Celje Ltd
Partner 5: University Medical Centre Maribor
Partner 6: Surovina, Waste processing company, Ltd

Start of the project:


End of the project:


Co-financing source:

Norway Grants and corresponding Slovenian contribution

Total eligible project expenditure (EUR):


Project grant (EUR):


Main project results:

The technology of recycling rapid antigen LFIA tests with developed/innovative measures established and thus the reuse of individual test components in the role of recyclates, which are directly useful for the production of new products.

Project summary:

The Covid-19 pandemic marked Europe and the world with the accumulation of huge amounts of waste, also in the field of disposable medical devices, including rapid antigen (LFIA) tests, which ensure a fast, selective and reliable diagnosis of infected persons or virus carriers in various environments. After use, rapid antigen LFIA tests are sent for incineration. Burning one million rapid tests using nano-gold for markings wastes 0.1 gram of gold and 5,000 kg of plastic used for casings. The waste is extraordinary, so is the production of CO2. The current recycling technology of rapid antigen LFIA tests does not allow the separation of individual components. As part of the project, recycling will be developed for each component separately (nano-gold, plastic), and the recycled materials will be used as a secondary resource in further processing/use. Based on these facts, the project contributes to the relief of the environment and indirectly affects the reduction of CO2 emissions.

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