Norveški finančni mehanizem in Finančni mehanizem EGP 2014–2021
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Cooperation Committee for the programme Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship

13 December 2022 – The fourth meeting of the Cooperation Committee for the programme Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship took place in Ljubljana.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Programme Operator and the Donor Programme Partners (HK-dir – Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills and AIBA – National Agency for International Education Affairs), as well as representatives – observers from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Budapest, the Financial Mechanism Office and the National Focal Point.

Participants discussed the programme’s progress, in particular the implementation of projects selected under the call for proposals, proposal of the bilateral initiative and financial resources allocated to the programme under the Fund for Bilateral Relations.

The participants of the meeting also visited the premises of the Children’s House (a pre-defined project Children’s House/Barnahus) and listened to a comprehensive presentation of the implementation of this project by the Project Promoter. The participants also listened to the Project Promoter of the pre-defined project Blended Learning in Vocational Education and Training (BlendVET), who also presented the project’s implementarion.

More about the programme Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship is available at this link.

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