Norveški finančni mehanizem in Finančni mehanizem EGP 2014–2021
Sodelujemo za zeleno, konkurenčno in vključujočo Evropo.

Closing Conference of the Project Studio of Circular Economy – studioKroG

22 April 2024 – In the framework of the studioKroG project, which is co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, the project partners organised a closing conference entitled “Waste prevention and circular utilisation of resources through reuse.”

In the opening speech, Jadranka Plut, Head of the Financial Mechanisms Sector at the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development, said that “the circular economy is a long-term strategic orientation, and successful projects represent an effective way for comprehensive change and the realisation of the transition to a more responsible society of the future.”

The project partners presented the results through a practical demonstration of the circular economy to increase understanding of how circular resource utilisation works.

Udeleženci okrogle mize se pogovarjajo.

Activities to promote reuse are underway in Slovenia, but this field needs bigger changes. The key is to create a comprehensive system that encourages all stakeholders to work together. This includes the introduction of economic incentives, flexibility of legal solutions, optimisation of capacity and adequate communication. Legislation must be put in place to provide a stimulating environment for circular business models. These activities must of course also be supported from a communication point of view, as changing consumer behaviour is a long-term process. Looking to the future, the reuse of materials and products shows the need to integrate the circular economy into all segments of society. To achieve this, further cooperation between the government, the industry, the scientific community, and civil society is crucial.

Udeleženci, sedeči na stolih, spremljajo potek dogodka.
© studioKroG

The project has formed many partnerships with EU projects, businesses, universities, NGOs, government ministries, municipalities, and the public. The main objective of the project is to raise awareness and understanding of the circular economy concept, where waste is used as a resource in a circular way.

The project involves the Scientific Research Centre Ptuj as the project promoter and project partners Reuse Centre, implementation of procedures for the reuse of used equipment, Ltd, OKP Public company for communal services Rogaška Slatina, Ltd, Research and Development Center RRC Ormož and Fonix AS from Norway.

SOURCE: Scientific Research Centre Ptuj

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