
All projects

Project title:

Towards power balance between women and men

Project acronym:

Gender Equality

Project Promoter:

Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

Project Partners:

Partner 1: Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities

Project duration:

25.07.2013 - 31.10.2016

Total eligible costs of the project:

500,000.00 EUR

Project grant:

500,000.00 EUR

Programme Area:

Mainstreaming gender equality and promoting work-life balance

General objective of the project:

Strengthening the knowledge, skills and awareness of social structures and relations of power and influence, affecting the inequalities between women and men; and the development of approaches and mechanisms for achieving gender equality in various areas.

Project summary:

The project aims at increased the understanding of equal/unequal power relations between women and men in order to identify adequate responses to imbalances that persist in a gender-based power structure in Slovenian society. The project will be identifying the historic context as well as documenting current and future challenges related to imbalanced power. It will also promote a positive environment for introducing legislative measures, and carry out behavioral monitoring through surveys and awareness raising activities and development of gender sensitive policies at local and national level. The target groups for the project are policy and decision-makers on national and local level, gender equality experts and the general public. The partnership with the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities will broaden mutual understanding in both countries in the field of gender equality issues and give new perspectives on addressing those issues through participation in conferences and organised study tours.

Project website in SloveneProject website in English