Project title:

People for Marsh - Biodiversity Conservation at the Ljubljana Marsh

Project acronym:


Project Promoter:

Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation

Project Partners:

Partner 1: Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park

Partner 2: Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Ljubljana

Partner 3: Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Project duration:

03.02.2015 - 30.04.2016

Total eligible costs of the project:

554,274.20 EUR

Project grant:

526,006.21 EUR

Programme Area:

Biodiversity and ecosystem services

General objective of the project:

Increased capacity to manage and monitor Natura 2000 sites effectively

Project summary:

Ljubljansko barje is known for exceptional biodiversity and is full of marshes, wet grasslands, birds and butterflies. In past few decades the diversity of this land has negatively changed due to unbalanced agricultural practice and, partially, in the incursion of non-native invasive plant species. With the project activities, the poor grassland condition and animal population decline, we will improve wet grassland and marshes management on 220 hectares as well as habitat for 6 target species. We shall acquire data on 3 species, the conservation status of which is unknown, and increase the number of stakeholders, who are willing to consent to the implementation of Natura 2000 programme, to 150. This will be achieved particularly through target communication with land owners and campaigns in the field (i.e. testing of the removal of invasive plant species methods), where experts from the spheres of agriculture and nature conservation are to take part. The project will address land owners, local communities, professional and research organizations, NGOs and schools.

Project website in SloveneProject website in English