
All projects

Project title:

Supervised practice of psychologists: Development of a training programme for mentors and a model of supervised practice

Project acronym:


Project Promoter:

University of Ljubljana

Project Partners:

Partner 1: Slovenian Psychologists’ Association

Partner 2: Norwegian Psychological Association – Norsk Psykologforening

Partner 3: University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute

Partner 4: Institute for Developmental Projects in Psychological Counselling – ISA

Project duration:

05.02.2015 - 31.10.2016

Total eligible costs of the project:

347,599.80 EUR

Project grant:

299,926.80 EUR

Programme Area:

Public health initiatives

General objective of the project:

Improved mental health services

Project summary:

A one-year supervised practice at the beginning of a young psychologist’s career is critical in terms of high-quality psychological services but it is not yet introduced in all areas because the number of qualified mentors is insufficient. The objective of the project is to improve mental health services, and the aim is to develop a comprehensive training programme for mentors and test the model of supervised practice and supervision of mentors. In the training programme mentors will learn what competences inexperienced psychologists need to developed, how to create a supportive mentoring environment, and they will also upgrade their competence of self-care and mental health promotion for their mentees and clients. Mentors will test their qualifications by supervising three mentees in the course of one year. The project will include 25 mentors, 6 supervisors of mentors, 75 psychologists-beginners and 50 other psychologists, altogether around 155 psychologists. The project will benefit clients of psychologists in all areas of psychological work. Training of mentors and supervisors will largely be carried out in collaboration with experts from Norway. The Norwegian psychological association (NPA) will bring their expertise and experience in the field of supervision and supervised practice.

Project website in SloveneProject website in English